The Audit Goes In On Health

During Financial Literacy month, the added awareness encourages us to consider our financial well-being. Additionally, we should also consider our emotional well-being. After all, our emotional state is foundational to everything in our lives. We cannot and should not ignore that we are living in a pandemic. And even though some of us have received vaccination, the science tells that things are even
more complicated with the emerging variants.

The one thing the pandemic has surely shown us is that we are social animals. We need each other. A year of distance from each other and intentional avoidance of touch has taken its toll, particularly if you are a person who happens to have physical touch as a love language (Check out The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman). A friend of mine is managing two young kids in a small space without being able to get out much during the day. I cannot even imagine how tough it is. I remember when my kids were little, my husband and I looked forward to pre-school even if we were off from work. We needed the break! During this pandemic, when children are schooling at home, are parents getting a break? So, stop for a second and ask the question: “How am I doing?” If you are not thriving, can you identify what would get you there?

Here are some potential audit questions:

  1. What is at the heart of your emotional state?
  2. Who could be of significant help in solving that?
  3. When do you find it most difficult?
  4. What can you do to move the needle on your emotional state?

If, on the other hand, you happen to be doing well, selflessly take time to audit the well-being of those around you. Here are the potential audit questions for your community:

  1. What makes you aware that this person might have less than an optimal emotional state?
  2. How can you support them, identifying where they are and what they need?
  3. Who else can be a help in supporting this person, and how can you support each other in being helpful?
  4. What can you do to move the needle with this person? Do they know how you feel about them?

Together, we will be better and do better.

Dr. Lisa

Our theme Song is “I Need You to Survive” by Hezekiah Walker.

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