Catch the Wave!

Where were you when the first woman, Indian, African-American was inaugurated as Vice President of the United States of America?  Most of us were at home,  glued to our TVs, given this pandemic.  

How does it feel for you to watch a moment in time which you know is the kind of historical event that will be referenced forever, not unlike landing on the moon? It’s big, right? It is. I have to say, for me, it’s a little surreal.  I’m excited for the events. The Howard University Drumline will be a part of it, and that gives me a giggle. Love that drumline! I am most excited for what it means. It means we are changing. When I say, we are changing, I mean firsts are starting to happen in quick succession. And the great thing about firsts – they set up seconds. 


  • Becky Hammond just recently served as head coach for the San Antonio Spurs. It’s a matter of time before she is appointed to lead a team full-time.
  • Bianca Smith is the first woman, African American to be signed to coach in professional baseball.  She joins the minor league team of the Boston Red Sox.
  • Sarah Thomas will be the first woman to referee the Super Bowl, in a few weeks. 
  • Poet Amada Gorman is now the youngest to deliver the inaugural poem. (She’s awesome)
  • Kamala Harris is inaugurated as Vice President.

I think about these amazing women and their careers, and I think about us.  I know we don’t have to be first or second to matter.  What we need most is the support of each other.  Even if we don’t agree, can we support by not tearing down what the other is building?  Those firsts and seconds and fifths and twenty-fifths had support – all of them.  No one does it all on their own.  Look around and determine who around you could use your support to be next.  How can you let a person know, who won’t make the history books, that they matter because they are here?  Consider yourself.  What do you need to ask of your community to become the best version of yourself?  You matter.

History is great and we enjoy watching those who make it.  Remember that history is not needed from all of us, but all of us are needed.  

Today is special.  Cherish every moment of it. 

Dr. Lisa

PS: Our Theme song is “I Need You to Survive” by Hezekiah Walker.


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