Harnessing Your Power!


I often challenge you to “Harness Your Power”, but to do that you must be in touch with the source of it.  Is yours generated from your spirituality?  Do you rely on positive friends or family support to fuel you? Are you driven by giving back and helping others?  Determining this will help you pull in, or “harness”, your power and really use it.  Next, your challenge is to channel the energy that your power provides.

You could:

  • read a book
  • learn a new skill
  • clean that closet that’s been nagging you

…or, you could do nothing, thus saving some energy for the back part of the race, as our struggle with this pandemic will clearly be a marathon and not a sprint.  Knowing your source will help when it’s time to refuel.  Whether through prayer or your “Covid-19-Getting-Through” music playlist, revisiting your power source will be necessary.  As you harness your power, share with me where you will focus all of that great energy and how will you refuel?

Most importantly, make sure that you do.

Dr. Lisa



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