Independence and Freedom Are the Destination, and We are not There Yet

How did you spend your July 4th holiday this year? If your experience was anything like mine, the celebration continues throughout this week with cherished moments spent with family and well-deserved relaxation under the warm sun.  I appreciate the opportunity to have this time to reflect on the meaning of the freedom that the Independence Day holiday represents. 

Every year, as we come together to celebrate Independence Day, we’re reminded of the birth of the United States and the hard-won freedom we gained from England. It’s not just about fireworks and cookouts; it’s about the core idea of freedom that defines us as a nation. Our values, like free speech, a free press, and the right to live our lives with liberty and pursue happiness, are all rooted in this concept. We owe a debt of gratitude to our military, who protect these freedoms and our borders, often making unimaginable sacrifices, especially those who’ve faced combat. As the spouse of a retired Naval Officer, I’ve learned the weight of leadership decisions in times of war, including the need to prioritize diplomacy and exhaust all peaceful options before resorting to armed conflict.

As we reflect on Independence Day, let’s express our appreciation for our military by honoring their service and reminding ourselves of our responsibility to seek peaceful resolutions. Let’s also take a moment to acknowledge the individuals who willingly risk their lives to protect the freedom we hold dear and those who continue to fight for the freedom we strive for. Their selflessness and unwavering dedication deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. Whether we’re enjoying fireworks or having a backyard barbecue, let’s remember their sacrifices and honor their service. In doing so, we recommit ourselves to building a brighter future together.

Let this year’s celebration serve as a powerful reminder that freedom is a precious gift we should never take for granted. Recent events, such as the courageous fight for women’s rights in Iran following the tragic murder of Mahsa Amini, highlight the ongoing struggle for justice and liberty around the world. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” resonate deeply. Although the Iranian fight may not dominate headlines anymore, we must not forget their ongoing battle. To our Iranian community, we warmly invite you to share your personal accounts, connecting us to your journey and inspiring us to support your quest for freedom. We understand that true freedom can only be achieved when all individuals, including those in Iran, enjoy the same rights and liberties we cherish.

Independence Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it symbolizes the struggles, sacrifices, and victories that have shaped our nation. As we celebrate, let’s draw inspiration from those who fight for freedom, both at home and abroad. Let the fireworks and cookouts serve as a backdrop to our commitment to diplomacy and peaceful resolutions. We express heartfelt appreciation to the men and women in uniform, and stand in solidarity with those who continue their fight for independence. Together, through our collective efforts, we can create a world where freedom knows no bounds.

Dr. Lisa

Our theme song is “Glory” By John Legend

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