John on Legacy: Offer Your Greatest Gift

In today’s blog, we revisit our conversation with John.  I previously shared his insights on career and retirement and now we’ll focus on legacy. This one is always interesting because although it’s about what you are leaving- and each of us is always leaving something- we are exploring it in the present tense.  John has dropped some gems on us to ponder these last couple of weeks.  Let’s discuss his thoughts on legacy.

John believes that he left a legacy of excellent management and expansion for the firm from which he retired, and it certainly sounds like he did.  Throughout his tenure, he advanced some careers and made a difference for some of the folks he worked with. As he entered retirement, John transitioned into consulting. He is still educating others and he likes that. This is allowing him to be more of himself in the work he once had not enjoyed.  John was able to take care of his family and you can see the pride in his eyes when he talks about his college-aged children.  They were a large part of his motivation to work as hard as he did and do as well as he did. 

What was clear to me is that it felt as though John was making a fresh start.  He is still a young man,  so John can really expand upon what he does daily to advance others, and that will offer him a different type of fulfillment that he may not have realized from working to deliver business results.  

So, if you are starting fresh today with a lens on what you will leave for others, what is the biggest gift you can offer that is not financial?  Start there.  It is easy to drive legacy from a feeling – a desire to leave something for the benefit of others.  What is it?  Let’s get it.

Dr. Lisa

PS: Our theme song is “Legacy” by Nicole Nordeman. 


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